महाप्रभुजी श्री वल्लभाचार्यजी को प्राकट्य वि.स.१५३५ में भयो हतो . Acharya Shri Vallabh Within four years of the rule of Mahashrama Maharaja Purushottam Dev arrived at Puri from South India. Nimai Pandit Shri Chaitanya dev was residing in the house of Kashimitra. He had already become very famous. In the shaka year 1466, He had a religious discourse with Sarvabhom (Vasudeva Sarvabhom). Sarvabhom accepted his discipleship. Knowing this the king became pleased. Once within nine years of the rule of the Maharaja similar religious discourse took place. On the fourteenth day of the bright-half of the month Jyeshta in the shaka year 1446, Shri Vallabhacharyaji after obtaining permission began to stay at Shri Kshetra (Shri Jagannathpuri). And when at the time of Shri Jagannathji’s Pahandi Vije coming out He used to go for darshan, Nimai Pandit used to meet him while singing kirtans. All people agreed. The Brahmins in charge of the management agreeing to this as a Commandment of God did not raise a challenge. The King granted Him a degree and honored Him by moving in a procession. Nimai Pandit was staying with Kashinath Mitra at Balisahi. The king named the place as Gauranga Gadi. Shri Vallabhacharyaji was allotted a place near temple of Ugreshwar Dev in Balisahi. The Rajguru (King’s priest) Godavar became enraged thereby and made a proposal for entering into a religious discourse. The Shastrarth took place with an old Pandit named Shesha. The King ordered to arrange for His stay near Ugreshwar Mandap. He after staying there for some days, reciting Hari kirtan in different localities of the kingdom, was honored by the people. On this the Brahmin people became jealous. They began to say “We shall see how He will get such honor from the King?” On the eleventh day of the month Bhadrapada they made this suggestion to the court (The King). But Raja Devdasi persuaded them not to do so. At the time of departure He arranged for a meeting with the King. The King courteously welcomed Him, behooving a disciple (Bhakta) and offered him good presents. Thereafter He offered a gift in the form of gold to God Jagannathji and also a Bhog consisting of fifty six sweets. He also got from the Mandir a book named Git-Govind, Khanduwa, one idol, Kanduli Head-dress (Feta). There from He proceeded to South India after passing through the temple of Alarnath. In this way, with rituals similar to Shishu Anant, Shri Vallabhacharyaji was highly honored and all people said “Well done Well done.” Throughout publicity spread that He possessed a very high character. On establishment of complete teacher ship Jagannathdas also became famous. He was a politically big man (Mahatma). He was omniscient and also a leading disciple. A great vaishnava named Dravida Dandi Medhacharya bright like the moon, came from Tirupati. He was known by the name of Archaka Keshavacharya of Kal Hasti Kshetra. Mahatma Vallabhacharya learned in all principles of philosophy arrived at Puri surrounded and respected by vaishnavas. Just on his arrival Panchdashacharya also came. He, believing Jagannathji to be the best place, stayed there for some days and achieved covetable glory. He offered gold to Jagannathji. Vishvanathacharya was famous in Vijayanagar. He was a great Vaishnava, great God and more respected. A religious conference was held in Sinhacha, where all saints were invited. Thereafter Acharyas came to Puri. The King thinking in his mind to hold a conference called his deserving ministers and held a conference. In that conference big charyagana had come to the Kshetra Anantacharya came from Trivendram City accompanied by Great Shri. In this way the formation of the conference was conducted. The king bringing various types of ornaments respected all saints by distributing amongst them kudalas for the ears, gold bangles etc. Towards right hand side where Samantrai was sitting, he led them and seated them. In this way the conference lasted for seventeen days. The King Gajapati Prataprudra was very powerful. he also met Chaitanya. The ruler of Rajamahendri named Rajkumar Rai Ramanand came and arranged for the meeting of Prataprudrawith Chaitanya. In this well-arranged conference Shri Vallabhacharyaji was very highly respected, was given a head-dress Shirstran and Yashti. All scriptures were accepted. In this way the conference was continued for thirty days. This King Pratapruora commenced the conference after taking Prasad and Tulsi. After showing the conference to Shri Vallabhacharyaji, he said “Oh persons like God, in this meeting, all people are present including dancers, praisers and representatives of the Kingdom. You people make your own religious disciples. Shri Vallabhacharyaji became enraged. But Jagannathji was endearing all philosophic vaishnavas so the King encamped Him in Falahari Math. All the vaishnava Sampradayas welcomed Him very courteously. Shri Vallabhacharyaji in presence of Purushottam Jagannath and before all people mystified them by showing importance of Gyan, Bhakti and Utterance of God’s name. All shouted “Shri Vallabhacharyaji is a great Devotee of Gokulchandra (God Krshna). He has pleased Jagannathji, so He deserves many many praises. This way during the nineteenth year of the Kings rule, Vallabhacharyaji was very much honored in all respects. After some days He departed from Param Kshetra and went on a pilgrimage towards Vrindavan. After His departure Bhakta Madhudas came and after him Ramdas came. During the fourth year of the King’s rule Purushottam Kshetra was invaded. Nimai Pandit was staying with Kashimitra. In the Shaka year 1469, He started procession. The King being pleased on Shri Vallabhacharyaji gave him according to traditional usage royal honor by grant of Head dress Kenduli, Feta, book named Gita-Govinda, Khandua and one idol. All who arrived in this festival were allotted accommodation in Bhagwati Patana. Simultaneously with the celebrations of small festivals Govardhanacharya was also honored by the King. The King Priyadarshi started for a pilgrimage to Vrindavan in company of vaishanvas.
आज सम्प्रदाय में जो सिद्धांत विरोधी गतिविधियाँ चल रही हैं,उन्सु बहोत सावधान रहवे कि जरूरत है, क्योकि क्या सिद्धांत है और क्या अपसिद्धान्त याको निर्णय तो श्री महाप्रभुजी के ग्रंथन कु पढ़ के ही आ सके है
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